PSY101 Handouts pdf download | Introduction to Psychology Notes (pdf)

PSY101: Introduction to Psychology Handouts (PDF)

Psychology is the study of mental and behavioral science, according to the American Psychological Association. Psychology is a multi-faceted discipline and covers sub-areas of research such as human development, sports, health, medicine, social behavior, and psychological processes. PSY101 Handouts pdf

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PSY101 Handouts pdf download
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PSY101: Introduction to Psychology

What is Psychology?

From the first psychiatric laboratory, founded in 1879 by German philosopher and physiologist Wilhelm Wundt, the modern mind can be traced back to many fields and countries. Historical theories of Psychology and current practices lead us to define the field as a science of behavior and psychological processes.

Theoretical Perspectives of Psychology

There are many disciplines that study human nature. Psychology alone. Within the functioning of the mind, biological, moral, psychological, psychological, social, and cultural concepts are intertwined. Each has its own objectives, questions, and limitations; together they give a full understanding of the mind and morals.

Goals of Psychology

a) Awareness,
b) Description,
c) Understanding,
d) Description,
e) Predictability, and
f) Control of human behavior and psychological processes.

Psychology Is A Science

It uses a scientific method to gather information and information. It uses an important scientific process that must be adopted for psychological research; otherwise, the research will not be considered valid, reliable, or scientifically important.

Popular areas of psychology

  • Clinical Psychology
  • Industrial / Organizational Psychology
  • Health Psychology
  • Consumer Psychology
  • Environmental Psychology
  • Sport Psychology
  • Forensic Psychology
Clinical Psychology

A branch of psychology is involved in the research, diagnosis, and treatment of abnormal behaviors. It is an old and well-known branch of psychological science. Psychiatrists are trained to diagnose and treat problems ranging from everyday life problems such as grief to the death of a loved one, in extreme cases, such as loss of contact with the truth. Other clinical psychologists are also conducting research, investigating issues ranging from recognizing the first symptoms of a mental disorder, and researching the relationship between how family members communicate, to understanding a variety of psychological problems.

Industrial / Organizational Psychology

A branch of psychology that studies mental function in the workplace, which includes productivity, job satisfaction, and decision-making.

Health Psychology

A branch of psychology that examines the relationship between mental health and physical illness or disease e.g. Health psychologists are interested in how chronic stress (a psychological factor) can affect physical health. They are also concerned about identifying ways to improve health-related behaviors (such as exercise) or eliminating unhealthy behaviors (such as smoking, drinking, etc.).

Consumer Psychology

A branch of psychology that studies and explains our purchasing habits and our marketing implications. Especially dealing with the likes and dislikes and likes of people.

Environmental Psychology

A branch of psychology that focuses on the relationship between people and their physical environment. It is one of the most emerging, and needed, areas of psychology. Environmental psychologists have made significant progress in understanding how our physical environment affects how we treat others, our emotions, and how much stress we experience in a particular area.

Sport Psychology

A branch of psychology that studies psychological variables that affect the performance of athletes; e.g. how stress can affect the performance of sports, morale can be promoted, the role of self-esteem and self-esteem, impact on crowd behavior, etc.

Forensic Psychology

A branch of psychology that investigates legal and ethical issues involved in criminal behavior; e.g. what factors determine the incidence of crime, how criminals can be rehabilitated, what factors determine whether a person is legally insane and whether judges large and small judge make fair decisions.



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PSY101: Introduction to Psychology Notes (pdf)