ENG514 Handouts pdf download | Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills Notes (pdf)

ENG514: Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills

The fastest way to find fluency is to memorize useful phrases. There are several benefits to doing so. First, simple communication is possible early. ENG514 Handouts pdf

ENG514 Handouts pdf

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ENG514 Handouts pdf download
ENG514 Handouts pdf download


ENG514: Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills

Teaching listening and speaking skills have become important in learning a second language. These important listening and speaking skills need to be taught and practiced and will help students to have successful conversations inside and outside the school.

Learning through Listening and Reading

The input thread that focuses on the definition involves reading by listening and reading — using language in an acceptable way. It is called “concentration” because, in all the work done in this thread, the main focus of the students and their interests should be to understand and gain knowledge or enjoyment or both in what they listen to and read. Typical activities in this thread include extensive reading, shared reading, listening to the news, watching TV or movies, and listening to a conversation.

Learning through Speaking and Writing

An outline that focuses on meaning involves reading or speaking — using the language effectively. Common tasks in this thread include speaking in interviews, giving a talk or lesson, writing a letter, writing someone a note, keeping a diary, telling a story, and telling someone how something is done. Many of the activities mentioned will include a combination of mind-focused input and a mind-focused effect. The output of one person may be input to another person.

Language-based learning

It involves deliberately learning grammatical features such as pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and grammar. The term language-focused reading is popular because terms such as form focus and form-based instruction are misleading because they can involve a deliberate focus on meaning and structure, and do not need to involve instruction but can be the essence of independent reading. . The main purpose of language-focused learning is to deal with messages, but your short-term goal is to learn language stuff. Typical activities in this thread are the practice of pronunciation, using exchange tables and instruments, to learn vocabulary.

Speaking, Reading, and Writing

The thread for developing fluency should include all four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In this thread, students are helped to make good use of what they already know. Like mind-blowing input and output, the fiber-enhancing thread is also focused on the definition. That is, students’ goal is to receive and transmit messages. Typical activities include quick reading, skimming and scanning, repetitive reading, 4/3/2, retelling, ten-minute writing, and listening to simple stories.

Balancing the Four Strands

Each thread should have approximately the same amount of time in a balanced study aimed at combining reception and productive skills. Three-dimensional input threads, mean output, and fluency enhancement are mind-focused lines. They all involve activities in which students focus on speaking and receiving messages. In mind-focused text and descriptive exit lines, this thought-provoking communication transcends the boundaries of learners’ knowledge and ability and results in the study of punctuation repeatedly. In the music of improving smoothness, messaging is very simple and common but it is still the main focus of activities.


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ENG514: Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills Notes (pdf)