EDU406 Handouts pdf download | Critical Thinking and Reflective Practice Notes (pdf)

EDU406: Critical Thinking and Reflective Practice Handouts (PDF)

Teaching meditation involves examining one’s basic beliefs about teaching and learning as well as one’s interaction with real-world practice before, during, and after the lesson. When teaching meditation, teachers give careful thought to their teaching and look for evidence of effective teaching. EDU406 Handouts pdf

EDU406 Handouts pdf

Course Category: Humanities Distribution EDU406 Handouts pdf

Course Outline

The Place of Reflective Practice in Teaching, Definitions and Types of Reflection, The Process of Reflection, Methods of Reflection, Foundation Models, Critical Models, From Theory to Practice, What is Critical Reflection, Critical Analysis, Conceptual Learning, Reflective Writing, Developing Competence, Reflecting Effectively, Features of Reflection, Understanding Self and Others, The Importance of Self Awareness, From Theory to Practice, Frames, Perception and Interpretations, Re-framing for Resolving Difficult Controversies, Re-framing for Strategic Creativity, Reflective Teaching Practice: Criticality, Ways of Knowledge Generation, Theories, Knowledge and Practice. Reflecting and Connecting With Life-Long Learning, Reflective Practice and Socratic Method.

The Practice of Reflection, Reflecting on Professional Roles, The Impact of Organizational Dynamics, Models and Mentors, Dialogic Process in Reflective Practice, Collaborative Observation and Feedback, Collaborative Observation and Feedback, Grounded Theory, Building Theory from and For Practice, Action Research, Appreciative Inquiry, Extension to Dewey’s Work, Extension to Bound’s Representation, Extension to Gibb’s Model, Extension to John’s Model for Structured Reflection, Taking Reflective Practice Forward, Higher Order Thinking for Unified Curriculum, Instruction, and Learning, The Future of Reflective Practice.  EDU406 Handouts pdf

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EDU406 Handouts pdf download
EDU406 Handouts pdf download


EDU406: Critical Thinking and Reflective Practice

The Place of Reflective Practice in Teaching

Contemplative teaching means watching what you do in class, thinking about why you are doing it, and thinking about how it works – the process of self-examination and self-assessment. By gathering information about what is happening in our classroom, and by analyzing and evaluating this information, we identify and evaluate our root practices and beliefs. This may lead to changes and improvements in our teaching. So, teaching meditation is a way to improve the work that starts in our classroom.

Why Does It Matter?

Teachers may already be thinking about their teaching and talking to their classmates about it again. You may think or tell someone that “My study went well” or “My students did not seem to understand “or” My students were very immoral today. ” However, without spending too much time focusing on what happened or discussing it, we may tend to draw conclusions about why things happen. We can only note the reaction of the noisiest students. So meditation teaching means more of a systematic process of collecting, recording, and analyzing our thoughts and ideas, as well as those of our readers, and then continuing to make changes.

Benefits of Reflective Practice

A major benefit of reflective practice is a deeper understanding of their teaching style and, ultimately, greater success as a teacher. Some of the specific benefits noted in current textbooks include teacher validation, practical challenges to culture, recognition of teaching as an art, and respect. with a variety of applications of theory in classroom practice.

Freidus (1997) cites a case study of another teacher/student with a degree who struggles to understand his or her beliefs and practices about what constitutes good teaching. His first pedagogy of teaching was based on traditions and practices of direct teaching. His cultural background in teaching made it difficult for him to understand that his ideas of good teaching were being challenged in his work, but the opportunity to explore the work of a light portfolio helped him to accept and validate what he was learning.


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EDU406: Critical Thinking and Reflective Practice Notes (pdf)